Grief and loss can be a deeply painful and isolating experience. Most often grief is associated with the death of a loved one; however, it can occur after any type of loss. It is not uncommon to experience aspects of grief after the ending of a relationship, due to a new chronic medical diagnosis, or the loss of a job.
There are common tasks and goals of grief counseling, but with the acknowledgement that grief and loss is unique and individualized to each person and experience.
At Pathways Group Counseling Center it is our goal to help clients successfully move through the tasks of grief in a safe and supportive environment where difficult emotions can be explored openly and challenges to daily life can be addressed. Grief cannot simply be forgotten nor should it be minimized or avoided. There is not one right way to grieve. Our counselors are dedicated to supporting each client in finding their way through their personal grief experience with support, guidance and compassion.